>No. Previous version was 2.1.4. And new version (2.1.5) I installed via deb
>(Debian package). In 2.1.4 attachments were scrubbed in simple non-digest
>format (there was one bug with encoding).

Just to be sure I understand, you are saying that attachments were
scrubbed (stored elsewhere and replaced with a link) from individual
messages sent to non-digest subscribers. If this was the case in your
2.1.4, you must have had a local patch to do it which was 'removed'
when you upgraded to 2.1.5.

>But after I upgraded it to 2.1.5,
>attachments were not scrubbed any more (but scrubber still works in archives).
>Hm, is there any posibility to turn it on (maybe in code) - until there 
>will be
>2.1.6 in Debian packages.

If you want to scrub attachments from everything in 2.1.5, it may be as
simple as adding 'Scrubber' to GLOBAL_PIPELINE.

You could try copying the definition of GLOBAL_PIPELINE from
Defaults.py into mm_cfg.py and then add "'Scrubber'," following
"'MimeDel',". or you could add the following to mm_cfg.py which will
add 'Scrubber' if it isn't already there:

if not GLOBAL_PIPELINE.count('Scrubber'):
    GLOBAL_PIPELINE.insert(GLOBAL_PIPELINE.index('MimeDel') + 1,

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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