Jon D. Slater wrote:

>Can someone suggest how I'd go about tracking down this problem...
>I have a list of 52 members.  Of that list, there is 1 e-mail address 
>that never receives e-mail from the server.  (The other 51 work fine.)
>This 1 e-mail address (I'll call it '[EMAIL PROTECTED]') is an MSN 
>e-mail address (if that matters).
>I have other MSN members and they *are* receiving mailings.
>To date, I've never had a message bounce back from 
>'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', and they claim they *aren't* being delivered to 
>their "Junk Mail Folder".
>How would I start trying to trace this down?  Is there a log something 
>that might tell me if Mailman is, at least, trying to send them e-mail?

Mailman's 'smtp' log will tell you how many recipients each message
had. You can then subtract from 52 anyone on digest or with delivery
disabled or who might be a 'duplicate' because of being in To: or Cc:,
and see if this is the expected number.

In the very unlikely case that this one recipient is being refused by
your outgoing MTA, there will be an entry in Mailman's 'smtp-failure'

Also, is this person receiving digests and everyone else messages, or
is this person's delivery disabled?

It is possible that MSN is quietly eating the mail to this person due
to settings which are different from your other MSN members.

It may be none of these, but at least these are some ideas as to where
to start looking.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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