Elvis Fernandes wrote:
>I changed the site passwd using bin/mmsitepass.
>And now when I try creating a new mail list thru the browser, it comes back
>Error: Illegal list name.
>Are these problems/errors documented somewhere?
>Is there something that I am missing?

The error messages aren't documented in detail anywhere. They are
*supposed* to be self explanitory. The only way to get more
information is to look at the scripts themselves.

In this case, the message is supposed to be

Error: Illegal list name: list_posting_address

Where list_posting_address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and the error is
issued because this is not a valid email address according to
Utils.ValidateEmail which means either it contained one or more spaces
or the emailhost part did not contain at least two dot-separated
pieces, i.e., [EMAIL PROTECTED] is OK, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not.

emailhost depends on the setting of VIRTUAL_HOSTS_OVERVIEW and is
either DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST or the email host corresponding to the url
host of the create page fron the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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