Dave B wrote:

>I keep getting messages that my account has been disabled due to 
>excessive bounces even though I am getting the email. I am both a user 
>on the list and the administrator. Mailman is running on a Mac OS X 
>Server 10.3.9 Mailman version 2.1.4. I will go in and re-enable 
>delivery and set it globally and then six days later I get the disable 
>message again. As far as I can tell, I am getting all messages until 
>the account is disabled. Anybody have any ideas on what might be 
>causing this?

Have you looked in the bounce log to see if bounces are being recorded
for your address?

Do you have the list's bounce_notify_owner_on_disable set to yes, and
if so does the owner receive a disable notification with a copy of the
triggering bounce?

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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