On 2/3/06 7:45 PM, David Gibbs at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Brad Knowles wrote:
>> Just saw this article at <http://www.clickz.com/news/article.php/3581301>:
>> AOL to Implement E-mail Certification Program
>> Basically, unless you want to pay GoodMail to certify everything
>> sent by your list, you just won't get through to AOL recipients.  So,
>> I guess it's time to unsubscribe all AOL users.
> I'm just going to tell my AOL subscribers to complain to AOL that they
> aren't getting the mail they are expecting.

I quite agree. It's not my problem, it's the problem of the AOL user who
solicited mail from me and is not getting it.

Nothing I do provides me any direct benefit so I'm sure as heck not paying
for assured delivery. It all supports activities in which I'm a volunteer.
At best they lose a "fun" message. At worst, one of the soccer referees I
assign loses out on an assignment (I'm a volunteer but they get paid) -
maybe when they realize that lack of reliable mail delivery is costing them
money, they'll change.

Larry Stone

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