On 6/22/06, Martin Dennett (Gmail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem we had is that we moved server (and host) and had to fight
> to get the mailing lists from our previous host. All we were given were
> the email addresses which we uploaded "en-bloc" but the names weren't
> provided. With over 2000 members, it's hard to get them to enter their
> name, hence the request to make the field mandatory. We knew that they
> would disable their mail when they go away on holiday, for example, and
> wanted to force the change at that point.

You could temporarily restrict access to anything except a
custom-build re-enable page, and force them to do it this way. (This
means turning off the normal mailman web interface for this purpose,
as well as the various -request pages, in case the users get tricky.)

- Patrick Bogen
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