Tiffany Miller wrote:

>Mailman version: 2.1.7.cp2
>Operating System: Linux
>Apache version 1.3.36 (unix)


>I was trying to edit the welcome message subscribers receive upon confirming 
>subscription to a newsletter mailing list for my client.
>I accessed the admin interface through cpanel and clicked on the link to "edit 
>public html pages" then clicked on "welcome email text file." I made the 
>necessary changes and clicked "submit changes."
>That's when I received the *bug* message:
>* * * * *
>Bug in Mailman version 2.1.7.cp2
>We're sorry, we hit a bug!
>Please inform the webmaster for this site of this problem. Printing of 
>traceback and other system information has been explicitly inhibited, but the 
>webmaster can find this information in the Mailman error logs.

If you have access to Mailman's 'error' log, please provide the
complete traceback from this error. Without this information, no one
has much of a clue as to why this happened.

>I had previously edited the other files without a problem, and those versions 
>are still in tact, performing perfectly. Now, I need to edit this welcome 
>message and can't. I tried the FAQs, but no matches were found for my 
>problem...including going through the full index.

If you are able to 'see' the file system, you should see within
Mailman's structure a lists/<listname> directory where <listname> is
the name of your list followed by an underscore and the host domain,
and in that directory, there will be a config.pck and other files and
(assuming English language) an en/ subdirectory containing your edited
templates. If you can, you can look at the permissions of the files
and see what might be different about the subscribeack.txt file (which
is the welcome message) vs. the html files you previously edited.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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