Hi Brad, Thanks for the reply.  We did an update of Mailman in RedHat ES 3
and now Mailman is version  However, we are still getting the
generic subject line (confirm aad5624d316c46234928426cb4a6c57c691d0e7c) for
list subscription confirmation email.  Attached is the mm_cfg.py we used.
Can you or other Mailman experts take a quick look at it and let us know if
we are doing something wrong?  Or Are we missing some other configuration
option in the Mailman Admin GUI or elsewhere?

Many Thanks,

Contents of mm_cfg.py: ============================================
"""This module contains your site-specific settings.

>From a brand new distribution it should be copied to mm_cfg.py.  If you
already have an mm_cfg.py, be careful to add in only the new settings you
want.  Mailman's installation procedure will never overwrite your mm_cfg.py

The complete set of distributed defaults, with documentation, are in the
file Defaults.py.  In mm_cfg.py, override only those you want to change,
after the

  from Defaults import *

line (see below).

Note that these are just default settings; many can be overridden via the
administrator and user interfaces on a per-list or per-user basis.


# Here's where we get the distributed defaults.

from Defaults import *
import pwd, grp

# Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.

#    Here's where we override shipped defaults with settings #
#    suitable for the RPM package.                           #
MAILMAN_UID = pwd.getpwnam('mailman')[2]
MAILMAN_GID = grp.getgrnam('mailman')[2]
LOG_DIR     = '/var/log/mailman'
QUEUE_DIR   = '/var/spool/mailman/qfiles'

#    IMPORTANT! - You must set these domain names!           #
# Mailman needs to know about (at least) two fully-qualified domain # names
(fqdn) # # 1) the hostname used in your urls (DEFAULT_URL_HOST) # 2) the
hostname used in email addresses for your domain (DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST) # #
For example, if people visit your Mailman system with #
"http://www.dom.ain/mailman"; then your url fqdn is "www.dom.ain", # and if
people send mail to your system via "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" then # your email
fqdn is "dom.ain".  DEFAULT_URL_HOST controls the former, # and
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST controls the latter.  Mailman also needs to # know how to
map from one to the other (this is especially important # if you're running
with virtual domains).  You use # "add_virtualhost(urlfqdn, emailfqdn)" to
add new mappings.

DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'mm_cfg_has_not_been_edited_to_set_host_domains'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'mm_cfg_has_not_been_edited_to_set_host_domains'

# Because we've overriden the virtual hosts above add_virtualhost # MUST be
called after they have been defined.




# Set to enable VERP-like (more user friendly) confirmations


-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Knowles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 5:02 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mailman-users@python.org
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Subject Line on Invite Messages

At 4:20 PM -0500 2006-09-05, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi, Does the VERP_CONFIRMATIONS = Yes only works on certain version 
> of  Mailman? We have Mailman version 2.1.1-5, Python 3.0.4-0.1, and 
> Qmail
>  (1.03-rhel3) and have set the setting as suggested; but we are still
>  the generic subject line for list subscription confirmation email.

Looking through the source, Mailman 2.1.5 mentions this option, but 
I've having trouble using Subversion to figure out precisely when 
this was introduced.  I know that the code around this option has 
changed more than once, but that's about all I can tell you right now.

I can tell you that the latest current version right now is version 
2.1.8, and 2.1.9 will be released very soon.  2.1.9rc1 is out now, 
and we're already running it on python.org.  There are some important 
security fixes coming with 2.1.9, so I highly recommend that you get 
this version for your site as soon as it is available.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  Founding Individual Sponsor of LOPSA.  See <http://www.lopsa.org/>.

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