On 10/20/06, Dr. Scott S. Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick Bogen [20/10/06 13:37 -0500]:
> > This is most likely caused by MTA issues. Search the FAQ for 'performance'.
> >
> > Is this the only list on that machine? Are you sure it wasn't a
> > one-time delay? (E.g., a nameserver that was temporarily inaccessible)
> Sorry to ask, but which FAQ am I to check for 'performance'?
That would be the Mailman FAQ that's linked at the bottom of every
mailing list mail. Also, please keep all replies on-list; it's likely
that there are people who know more or have better insight than I, so
they deserve the chance show me I'm wrong.

- Patrick Bogen
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