At 8:59 AM -0800 11/10/06, Carl Zwanzig wrote:

>  I'm not sure how this fails a reality test. Are any anti-spam measures
>  in place currently?

If you're going to run a list where people talk about spam, and use 
real-world examples, then you can't do spam filtering on that list -- 
tools like SpamAssassin just aren't intelligent enough to tell the 
difference between a real spam message and someone having a 
legitimate meta discussion regarding some spam message.

>                             If not, mailman is certainly not the place to
>  start. That place is the incoming mail MTA.  (If you run your own servers,
>  installing spamassassin shoundn't take too much time. If you're using a
>  hosting server, then they should already have spam filters in place. If
>  they don't/can't you might consider a service that does.)

For what Gadi is doing, none of the above is relevant.

>  Please search the mailman user's list archives, there have been many
>  discussions about spam handling.

Again, you need to understand more about the level at which Gadi is 
operating.  See my other message to Patrick about this.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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mail forwarding service as of 15 November 2006.  If you have an old
e-mail account for me at this domain, please make sure you correct that
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