>I first installed Mailman with the name [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I
>have since killed that list and have another one active with a different
>domain name.  I cancelled the list through the Cpanel on my hosting
>service.  But, the three people who were on this list when it was
>cancelled are getting monthly reminders.  The new maillist does not send
>monthly reminders since I have turned off this option.  So, how do I get
>rid of this artifact and kill these reminders from a list that no longer

Clearly the list exists or people wouldn't be getting reminders for it.
Have you tried going to

I bet you can go there and log in and delete the members. Also, the
members could follow the link in their reminders, log in and
unsubscribe themselves.

As to why the list hasn't been deleted when you think it has or how to
really delete it, these are cPanel questions. See

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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