Quoting Dave Foran ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> The lists that are getting the bogus messages have new domain names, but
> spammers are sending spam to the lists using the old domain. And hence
> failing.
> The list name that I am tinkering with is [EMAIL PROTECTED], but it used
> to be [EMAIL PROTECTED],  railnet.org and nshore.org are now virtual hosted
> on my system.

When I moved my lists from my home machine (xcski.com) to a virtual
private server (list.xcski.com), I used postfix's "/etc/postfix/relocated"
to cause requests for the old list names to bounce with a message giving
the new list names.  Spammers never read those bounce messages, but real
people might.  You could use that to make sure if people are requesting
the old list address that they get told of the new list address.

Or if you just want the list to be available at both locations, I imagine
you could just make your own entries in the aliases file (the main one,
not the one mailman manages) for the old location.

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://blog.xcski.com/
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