[mailed and posted]

On Apr 2, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

> Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
>> Where would I go about changing the subject line of the confirmation
>> requests, and what would people recommend.
> You may have already done this, but if the subject you are seeing is
> "confirm <hex token>", You can change it to "Your confirmation is
> required to join the %(listname)s mailing list" by setting
> in mm_cfg.py, assuming your MTA can handle the VERP like address in  
> the
> reply.

Great.  That does exactly what I want.  I believe that I've already  
set up postfix to do the right thing with "username+something"  
addresses.  Yes. I've just tested and it works like a charm.

>> Also is there a way to get a listing of all things pending
>> confirmation (not just subscriptions, but address changes as well)?
> bin/dumpdb lists/<listname>/pending.pck
> will show them, albeit in a cryptic form.

Thanks that works.

> Also, it shows some that are
> expired so you have to look at the timestamps in the 'evictions'
> dictionary.

Where do I find the evictions dictionary?  And how do I query it?

   find /usr/local/mailman -name "evict*" -ls

turned up nothing.  (In my set-up, FreeBSD, the stuff that's  
typically in /var/lib/mailman is under /usr/local/mailman)



Jeffrey Goldberg                        http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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