
I'm still not succeeding in building Mailman.  I'd like to follow 
another path.  Can you explain why Tcl/TK don't build?  The Python make 
install command fatals there, and doesn't complete copying some of the 
modules into the right places.


> The esteemed David Devereaux-Weber has said:
>> Hank,
>> Thanks for your help!
>> I installed Python 2.4.4.  I did receive errors that tcl and something 
>> else didn't install.  Now, the Mailman install script still finds 
>> /opt/csw/lib/python2.3/distutils/dist.py:213 .  Can you tell me where 
>> Python 2.4.4 puts the distutils?
>> Dave
> If you built python 2.4.4 to install in /usr/local, you should have a
> /usr/local/lib/python2.4 directory that has the distutils in it.  
> I assume you're building Mailman 2.1.9 from downloaded source; if not,
> I recommend you do that, rather than using somebody else's prebuilt
> source.  
> Make sure the correct python is in your PATH.  If you've already built
> Mailman with the /opt/csw python2.3, do a make clean, rerun configure,
> make, and make install on Mailman.  
> As I've said, /opt/csw is not a Solaris 10 directory, but is used by
> one or more of the package prebuilders.  I would do an audit on what
> is in that directory and pkgrm anything you don't actually need on
> your system.  
> Using the Solaris release sendmail and apache works well, but I'd
> build Python 2.4.4 and Mailman 2.1.9 from source.  The default gid for
> sendmail is "other" and for apache is "nobody", for the Mailman
> configure script on Solaris 9/10.
> Hank


David Devereaux-Weber, P.E.
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