Mark Sapiro wrote:
>My guess (I haven't actually looked at the raw decoded message) is that
>the decoded plain text has *nix <LF> only line endings as opposed to
><CR><LF> endings. This would not violate RFC 2821 as the data on the
>wire is the base64 encoded data, not the original text.

I have now looked, and in today's two base64 encoded posts in the
"export list subscribers list" thread, the decoded message body does
have text with only <LF> as a line ending.


>I think the issue may be that your MUA doesn't recognize a single <LF>
>in the decoded text as a line break.

I don't know if there is a standard that says your MUA 'should'
recognize a single <LF> in the decoded text as a line break, but of
five MUA's I just tried, four - Ultrafunk Popcorn 1.76, Mozilla
Thunderbird, MS Outlook Express 6 and Mutt - all
rendered <LF> in the decoded text as a line break. The fifth -
Qualcomm Eudora 5.2 (very old) - didn't decode the base64 encoded text
at all, it just displayed the raw base64 encoded data.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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