Brad Knowles wrote:
> On 10/24/07, Tom Ray [Lists] wrote:
>>  I guess the real question is will it do a history too? I need to figure
>>  out past history.
> As the author of mmdsr, I'll say that you should be able to feed it 
> old Mailman log data and have it "just work", but I won't guarantee 
> that.  If you try this and it doesn't work for you, please let me know 
> and I'll try to work with you to modify the code so that it does "just 
> work" when fed old log data.
> Keep in mind that there's a good chunk of mmdsr where it goes and 
> looks at the current status of what is in the various queue 
> directories, etc... and this obviously won't be relevant for 
> processing of historical log data.
> I should probably add a command-line flag so that you can tell it 
> whether to just do the summary based on the log data (which should 
> work regardless of whether the data is historical or current), or to 
> do the log data summary plus the current condition report.
> Let me think about that, and see if I have any time available.
Alright, I just ran a blanketed request that went through the whole log 
file, which was pretty nice since I haven't rotated ever. It goes back 
to April 2006. I do have some questions about the report though, and 
please forgive my ignorance. I use MM but I really haven't dove into 
like I should have so I'm still a little shaky on how things work.

According to the report one list has 14,297 posts but according to the 
Post Count by Sender report 13,797 of those posts came from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] So does that mean that only 500 posts were made by 
members or are those 13,797 more then just commands from the members? I 
would appreciate a better explanation on that.

Also, under the Hourly Summary of Message Sent report from the smtp log. 
The totals are based on how many email addresses the message was sent 
to, correct? So if a list has 250 members it counts each message per 
member? I know that it bundles the message per connection so a single 
SMTP connect could have 100 messages in it. I just want to make sure.

The problem is that my email server is being beaten in to the ground and 
it looks like this clients lists (they have 8 or so) are seeing a heavy 
increase in membership and frequency. I need to put numbers together so 
I can tell them they need to either get a dedicated list server or pay 
more (so I can upgrade!).

Any help would be great. I'm just a bit ignorant on the internal 
workings of MM but am learning. Plus I don't know Python from a hole in 
the ground so I'm leery about messing with code to much.

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