Ignacio Valdes wrote:
>So now, the final vexing question is that I have all this seemingly
>working but I cannot seem to get the mailman list to receive any
>e-mail. I have not setup an e-mail box for linuxmednews-announce at
>linuxmednews.com yet because I don't know what the server should do
>with email to that address so that mailman uses it. Any thoughts?
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

How you configure it all depends on exactly what MTA you are using. 
In any case, there is no mailbox setup for a normal installation. 
Each of the MTA programs does it differently but there will either be 
aliases or config files that specify how mail gets delivered to and 
from mailman.

Did you check the installation manual for instructions on how to set 
up mailman to work with your MTA?

You can find it at:


Specifically, you want to look at section 6 and follow the guide for 
whichever MTA you are using.


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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