On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Also, the messages I see, and the message Rick posted all seem to come
>  in response to the initial connect. Thus, Rick's hosting company
>  should be looking at themselve rather than Rick's list since it is
>  apparently the connect from the IP that is being delayed, not list
>  mail.

Well the OP said the messages were deferred, the link the log gives
(which everyone is aware of) seems to describe greylisting. In my
experience the greylisting is sort of weak in that its not *.yahoo.com
but just server by server for quite a while. Likely this is by design.

I dont see a problem if the messages are deferred, but if he says they
are all disappearing (though I would assume this means his upstream is
just killing them off out of the queue) then there is a problem. But
then he would get bounces from yahoo killing them, not nice legal
defer messages.

Gabriel Millerd
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