Bonnie M wrote:
>All of a sudden, as of yesterday, I'm not receiving the "requires approval"
>notices.  I am not
>knowledgeable with the technical stuff at all, but the settings say yes to
>receive these notices immediately.  While the listkeeper on my list feels is
>not a big deal, as we go and check the admin pages regularly, this kind of
>stuff just drives me crazy!
>Why the heck did it just stop working all of a sudden?

My guess is that VirginRunner died. See
sections 1b, 5b and 8. If this is a hosted installation, you will need
to contact the host, and refer them to this FAQ information.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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