Kenneth Porter sent the message below at 11:15 3/18/2008:
>--On Monday, March 17, 2008 1:20 PM -0400 Nick L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I know that there is a workaround to remove the word 'bounces" in the from
> > heading.
>Just curious, why would someone want to remove "bounces"? Is it a swear
>word in some languages?
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

This issue has come up a number of times on this list since I have 
been a member. I think it is really a cosmetic thing. It's also 
limited to particular versions of Microsoft Outlook that display the 
 From address as something like:


It's not entirely incorrect for Outlook to do that as it is using the 
envelope-sender information not the actual From: header to display 
that info. The problem is that the relevant RFC document is vague on 
how that should be handled and displayed in the MUA.

Mailman sends outgoing e-mails using the listname-bounces address as 
the envelope-sender to enable proper bounce handling when a delivery 
failure occurs. So the problem comes down to living with this display 
in Outlook or disabling proper bounce handling. Personally, I want 
proper bounce handling and anyone using Outlook that complains to me 
about this is basically told (politely, usually) there is nothing I 
can do about fixing something Microsoft did in their e-mail client so 
they can either live with it or find an e-mail client to their liking.


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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