bill christensen wrote:

>The only options given are -l for list and -q for queue.  Then it says
>"filename is the name of the plaintext message file to inject.  If omitted,
>standard input is used."  Ok... but there doesn't seem to be any way to
>designate a file name (my obvious guess at -filename didn't do it), and
>without it a call to
>          python inject -l testlist
>appears to be sitting there waiting for more input.
>Sorry to have to keep bothering the list with this stuff.  I'm looking
>forward to getting it running smoothly and moving a bunch of lists over from
>a rather ancient listserv software.
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

The file name is simply added as the last parameter of the command line.

Like this:

         python inject -l testlist filename

Otherwise, the script tries to read from STDIN.

You do need to have something that passes as a valid e-mail message 
in the file. In other words, it needs appropriate headers (From:, 
To:, Message-id: at a minimum) and a valid message body terminated 
with a single line with a '.' and CRLF

 From the help emitted by the inject script:

./inject -h
Inject a message from a file into Mailman's incoming queue.

Usage: inject [options] [filename]


     -h / --help
         Print this text and exit.

     -l listname
         The name of the list to inject this message to.  Required.

     -q queuename
         The name of the queue to inject the message to.  The queuename must be
         one of the directories inside the qfiles directory.  If omitted, the
         incoming queue is used.

filename is the name of the plaintext message file to inject.  If omitted,
standard input is used.


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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