Dov Oxenberg sent the message below at 04:32 5/30/2008:
Good morning,
Until Wednesday night my Server was running like a champ then suddenly, mysteriously, Postfix broke for no apparent reason. It is failing to start reporting "no local interface found for..." and citing some IP address which is invalid for my system. I have not been able to get anywhere since Wednesday night and am now considering uninstalling Postfix and then reinstalling. I realize this is a Postfix issue, but I wanted to ask what are the consequences of uninstalling Postfix, then reinstalling as it relates to Mailman - do I need to do anything with my existing Mailman installation, will I need to reinstall, etc.
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

I can't help with the postfix issues but I would suggest that on the mailman side of things that you shut down mailman until you get things fixed and then restart it afterward. I doubt you will have to do anything to it, but it can't hurt to be cautious.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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