enrico pulimeno sent the message below at 00:46 6/12/2008:
recently mailman unsubscribe automatically some member of the list.
how do I stop these actions?
I have already checked the option "notifies member cancellation from the
list to administrator", but arrive me only the unsubscribe messages, without
first not one notification.
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

As far as I know, the only reason mailman will unsubscribe somebody automatically is if the e-mail address has exceeded the bounce threshold.

If an address has had a significant number of failures (one per day until bounce threshold is met), the address will be removed from the list.

This is something you probably do not want to disable, it will get you flagged as a spammer if you continue to send to addresses that are no longer valid at a number of domains (especially from the big guys like AOL, Yahoo, gmail, etc.)


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