Carlos Williams sent the message below at 11:53 6/13/2008:
I am moving mailman from one server to another server (not changing
the domain) and noticed the instructions here:

The instructions show to make sure you copy both the contents of
/var/lib/mailman/lists to the new server and also

My question is when looking at "/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/" I
notice that there are several old and deleted or no longer functioning
lists in  this directory. Is there nothing that cleans up this path
when you create a test list and then remove it using the script
provided in /usr/lib/mailman/bin?

I just don't like a lot of clutter and want this as clean as possible.

Thanks for any info and help!
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

Nope, nothing will automatically remove the archives.

Not everyone wants the archives to go away even when a list does. The safest thing to do is just leave it alone and let the system administrator deal with it as desired.


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