Michael Welch wrote:
Hi Friends. I have noticed that this list's archives include 3 months which have not happened yet.

How has this occurred, and what will happen when we reach that date and new posts crash into the improperly dated archives?

More importantly, how does one search the mailman archives looking for all posts that contain particular text?

I understand that many folks use mailarchive.com, but that seems a bit out of our control. Will it be there forever?
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That happens because the date is extracted from the Date: header of the message. The header is set by the MUA sending the message, if somebody has their computer clock set incorrectly, this will happen.

There really isn't a lot you can do about it except maybe point out to the people with incorrect clocks to reset them. Changing this header at any point after it is generated is not recommended.

The archive will work fine as is, it will simply show the incorrectly dated messages in the wrong directory (they are filed by month and year by default). The links for threads will work fine if proper headers existed in the original e-mail to determine threading order. Threading in the archive is controlled by References: and In-Reply-To: headers, not by the Date: header or even the subject line.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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