Maciej Homziuk wrote:

I have got the following problem: I would like use my own application to manage the headers in the e-mails that are being postet over my mailing list. My application saves txt file on my server and I would like mailman to load the content of that file and put it into the header.

Is there any way to do this?

How dynamic is this content. If it doesn't change often, you could consider wrapping it between

msg_header = """



So the whole file looks like

msg_header = """Line 1
Line 2

and then run

bin/config_list -i /path/to/file listname

to update the list.

You could also modify Mailman/Handlers/ to read the header from a file. To make it somewhat general, you could modify the decorate() function to look at the template argument and if it begins with a '/' consider it to be a path to a file containing the text. This would then work for messages and digests and headers and footers.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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