Ron Peterson wrote:

>I'm running mailman 2.1.9-7 on debian etch.  I'm also subscribed to
>several of the lists.  These lists have been around for a while, through
>one or two mailman upgrades.
>When I recieve my monthly membership reminders, I get the correct number
>of reminders, but they are all for the same list.  I.e. I'm in lists A,
>B, C, and D, but I recieve four reminders for list A, and none for the
>other three lists.

Actually, that's not the correct number of reminders. If you are
subscribed with the same address, and the lists are in the same
domain, you should get one reminder that includes all four passwords.

I don't know why you get 4 reminders for list A if they are all for the
identical address. cron/mailpasswds may be running more than once for
some reason.

You may not be getting reminders for the other lists because you have
opted out of reminders for those lists or because the list's
send_reminders is set to No.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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