It looks like logging out and closing everything and relogging in allows me 
to see a few patches.  However, in addition to yours, dozens of others are 

I can't say I think much of the usefulness of Lauchpad's search functions, 
since there is not one to simply search a project.  Maybe I a missing 
something, but this seems a step backward is usefulness and ease of use.  
No real descriptions of what the patches are (have to go tree by tree) 
dimishes the usefulness.

This looks like it is more difficult to use for all, plus with most patches 
missing, not very useful.  Even the one I wanted is not here, now and it 
was on Sourceforge Monday.

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 19:17:10 +0100
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Availability of patches on Launchpad

> If you are a user of patches I have published for Mailman in the past  
> then read on. Otherwise, apologies for cluttering up your mailbox.
> In the recent switch from Sourceforge to Launchpad a number of the  
> current patches that I publish for Mailman do not appear to have made  
> the cut and are now unavailable from either Sourceforge or Launchpad.  
> As far as I am aware none of the patches that did not make it have  
> been incorporated into core Mailman but I am willing to be corrected  
> on this.
> Subject to the usual caveat that I will only maintain it while I use  
> it myself, I shall continue to publish my patches via:
> The tableau below summarise what I believe to be the case.
> Format of tableau is:
> SourceforgeNumber LaunchpadNumber Description
> - means unavailable on Launchpad
> made the cut
> 444879 266553 Archive indexer control to improve indexing.
> 444884 266554 Integration of Mailman & htdig for archive searching.
> did not make the cut
> 644797 - Revised mailer exit status.
> 760567 - Moderation request message content.
> 820723 - Mailman/pipermail/MHonarc integration
> 850805 - Aggressive anti email address harvesting measures
> 1442025 - List Specialisation for Support Groups
> 1483446 - Daily mbox files for list mbox archives
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Richard Barrett                     
> ------------------------------------------------------
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