>I was able to get the hostname resolved by running the fix_url script. 
>Now I am running into a new problem. I am not able to access the
>archives of the lists I just created.  The first list says "Forbidden -
>You don't have permission to access /pipermail/jewel/ on this server."
>My second list is my 'mailman' list which when I click on archives it
>jumps back to the listinfo page.  Below are my permissions.
>Permissions under /archives...
>drwxrwsr-x  4 mailman mailman 4096 Oct 14 15:30 .
>drwxrwsr-x 20 mailman mailman 4096 Oct 14 15:30 ..
>drwxrws---  6 mailman mailman 4096 Oct 22 09:32 private
>drwxrwsr-x  2 mailman mailman 4096 Oct 22 09:32 public

Did you get this message from check_perms

Warning: Private archive directory is other-executable (o+x).
         This could allow other users on your system to read private
         If you're on a shared multiuser system, you should consult the
         installation manual on how to fix this.

and "fix" it by "chmod o-x archives/private" or something similar. This
is not complete. The web server needs to be able to search the
archives/private directory for poblic archives because the pipermail
alias points to archives/public which contains symlinks into

As it says in the installation manual at
<http://www.list.org/mailman-install/node9.html>, if you do "chmod o-x
archives/private", you must also do "chown <web-server-user>
archives/private" where <web-server-user> is the user your web server
runs as.

As far as your mailman list jumping back to the listinfo page is
concerned, in a previous post in this thread I suggested you put

RedirectMatch ^/mailman[/]*$  /mailman/listinfo

in your httpd.conf. It appears that you have somewhere in httpd.conf or
an included file (from httpd/conf.d/ ?)

RedirectMatch /mailman[/]*$  /mailman/listinfo

It needs to be anchored as the first one above (the "^"). Otherwise any
URL that ends in "/mailman" or "/mailman/" will redirect to the
listinfo page.

>Mark, thank you so far for all of your previous help, everything you
>have sent me has worked!  This listserv is wonderful.

Thanks for the appreciation. I'm glad to help, but I must point out
that listserv(r) is a registered trademark that refers to a specific
software product that is not Mailman. It is not a generic term for
"email list" even though it is often misused that way. See

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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