On 11/20/2008 01:33 AM, Brad Knowles wrote:
Have you seen several sample messages, so that you can do a comparison and contrast between the supposed duplicates? In my experience, when you look closely at the Received: headers, you usually find that the two messages are literally identical with identical headers, queue-ids, etc... up to a point. Beyond that point, they diverge. And that's the place where your duplicate was created, so now you have a pretty good idea who to go whack.

If my logic is correct, it should be the last server (Received: header closest to the top of the message) that received the message that was not duplicated. If the two examples share one Received: header and then subsequent (closer to the top) are different, it is the server that generated last common Received header that is causing the duplication / sending the message multiple times.

Grant. . . .
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