support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What does this all mean?
>Re-run as list (or root) with -f flag to fix
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# check_perms -f
>/var/lib/mailman/templates bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/logs bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/cgi-bin bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/Mailman bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/locks bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/cron bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/pythonlib bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/scripts bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/mail bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/bin bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>/var/lib/mailman/icons bad group (has: root, expected list) (fixing)
>Problems found: 11
>Re-run as list (or root) with -f flag to fix

If it happens once, it means check_perms has done it's job.

If you run check_perms -f several times with the same result every
time, it means all those names are symlinks to the real directories,
and check_perms sees the group of the symlink as 'root' and attempts
to change it, but this sets the group of the target which is the only
thing that matters anyway.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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