On Mon, 2009-01-26 at 15:26 -0700, Steve Lindemann wrote:
> Thanks! Got it!  They spoofed a legitimate list member on the 
> Return-Path:, which also showed up on the first ("From ") message header 
> line.

Both of these reflect the envelope sender address used in the SMTP
dialog with the mail server.

> I don't suppose there's anything we can do about this other than change 
> that particular user's email address... is there?

You can restrict the set of headers used to identify subscribers using
the SENDER_HEADERS variable in mm_cfg.py, as Mark indicated.  By default
(in Defaults.py) this is:

SENDER_HEADERS = ('from', None, 'reply-to', 'sender')

You can eliminate the envelope sender address from the mix by setting
this simply to:

SENDER_HEADERS = ('from', 'reply-to')

or drop 'reply-to' if you want to be even more restrictive.

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