on 4/2/09 9:11 AM, Whit Blauvelt said:

Since "Downloading and Installing" and "Integration Issues" are also tasks
for the site administrator, would it make better sense to also break out
sections on "Debugging," "Site Upgrades," and perhaps "Mods"? Or maybe to
fold thse all under "Site Administrator Tasks" but have that all
subsectioned logically, rather than a mostly-random list?

Problem is, what makes sense for one person doesn't necessarily make sense for someone else. What's there is not as well organized as it could be, but from my perspective it's not so horribly bad.

That said, perhaps there is some middle ground that might be more useful than what we have now, and would make sense to a broader group of people.

IMO, what would be really useful would be a tagging-based system, so that a single entry could show up in multiple "sections". But I think that would mean either a complete re-write of the wiki code itself, or at least a substantial change to the way we use the wiki. I'm not sure that either of those are feasible in the short term.

I know - it's a wiki and presumably I could jump in and rearrange stuff. I'd
do that, if there's a sense that it's appropriate and no one with real
expertise on Mailman wants to take it on.

I'd say that you have the power to make whatever changes you think should be made, and if we don't like them then we can revert to earlier versions. So, feel free to hack away!

Brad Knowles
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