On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 09:42:06AM -0500, Grant Taylor wrote:
> Now, if you are just wanting your board members to be able to send with 
> either their personal addresses -OR- their positional addresses all you 
> need to do is add both addresses to the mailing list (and set one to not 
> receive email) as well as authorizing them to send.

I'm not entirely convinced of the need to add both addresses (personal &
functional/positional) as list-members: I'd be more inclined to add the
address to which you wish to send (the positional, yes?) as
list-members, and add their "real" email address (the personal) as an

(or add a wild-card: q.v., http://is.gd/rdxK, &c.)

It is, -- or rather, "it ought to be" -- moderately easy to automate the
process of keeping the authorized_senders list up-to date (with a bit of
scripting foo, and command-line/cron access); or if it's not one of
those things that changes often, to keep as a manual process.

``What men are poets who can speak of Jupiter as if he were a man, but if
  he is an immense spinning sphere of methane and ammonia must be silent?''
  (Richard Feynman)
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