on 4/17/09 11:45 PM, Phoenix Kiula said:

Yes. It's called "Full Personalization"

How can I enable it?

I went into the mailman in cpanel and did not find this setting in the
"Non Digest" section.

Then I read the faq - http://www.list.org/faq.html - and there's no
information on "full personalization".

The FAQ has been moved. We need to clean up those old links. The new location for the FAQ is <http://wiki.list.org/display/DOC/Frequently+Asked+Questions>. If you use the search function for "personalization", you should have the answer as it applies to the standard version of Mailman as we provide from <http://www.list.org/download.html>.

However, note that cPanel has made some changes to the code they ship. See FAQ 6.11 at <http://wiki.list.org/x/sYA9> for more information.

If cpanel uses an old version of mailman, or if it blocks the "full
personalization" feature, how can I manually enable it in the config
file or somethng?

That's really a question you need to be asking your service provider. They're the ones who installed cPanel, and they should have those answers for you.

I will tell you this -- I don't think you're going to handle anywhere remotely close to the number of users you're talking about with a cPanel installation. If you want to get those levels of performance, you're going to need a more customized installation and you're going to need to have full privileged access to the server and the MTA, as well as full site admin access.

Either that, or a service provider who is willing and able to do all these things for you -- and anyone running cPanel is highly unlikely to fit into that picture.

Brad Knowles
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