Khalil Abbas <> writes:

> ok now I'm really fed up! this is too freaking much!!!! incoming incoming 
> incoming they never stop!!!
> please, is there anyone who can refer to articles about how to know the 
> source of these messages and how to report them to their ISPs and to there 
> authorities ???
> common people MUST be educated about this!! so if we kill 10% of the spam 
> going on it will be a big achievement!

SpamAssassin is your friend ..;;


"Why do we have to pay him? What can he do to the three of us? We're stronger
than him. We have guns. Why do we have to hand over the money we earned?"
"Fanucci has friends, real brutes. He has connections with the police. He'd
like us to tell him our plans because he could set us up for the corps and 
earn their gratitude. Then they would owe him a favor. That's how he operates.
And he has a license from Maranzalla himself to work this neighborhood."
                -- Vito Corleone and Peter Clemenza, "Chapter 14", page 198
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