liste yoneticisi wrote:
>I tried to make a global change for newlist welcome message.
>For English version, I changed the file;
>and it worked. ie the changes effected in the newlist information file.
>But the similar changes didn't affected for
>ie for Turkish new lists, list owner receives older version of
>newlist.txt, the file that doesn't exist anywhere.
>Can you please tell me what is wrong about it?

In some cases you have to restart Mailman after making template changes
because templates are cached in a qrunner, but this normally affects
only templates related to archives and shouldn't be required here, so
I don't know what could be wrong.

However, assuming /cwis/htdocs/mailman/ is the Mailman installation
$prefix directory, you should not edit the files you edited, because
if you ever upgrade, your changes will be overwritten. To create
sitewide edited templates, you should create the directories
/cwis/htdocs/mailman/templates/site/tr/ and
/cwis/htdocs/mailman/templates/site/en/ and put your edited templates
there. That way, they will not be overwritten in an upgrade. See the
FAQ at <>.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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