Goodman, William wrote:
>I also manage the mail servers, we use postfix with Amavid, ClamAV and
>Spamassassian. I know
>this is a mailman list but, is that (SMTP_MAX_RCPTS =  500) a postfix
>mail server configuration?

It is a Mailman configuration setting which may or may not mean
anything depending on other Mailman site and list configuration
settings such as VERP and personalization.

It is in no way a limit on what can be sent from a list. It only limits
the maximum number of RCPT TO addresses in a single SMTP transaction
between Mailman and the outgoing MTA. It is the other side of
Postfix's smtpd_recipient_limit. Mailman's SMTP_MAX_RCPTS should
always be less than postfix's smtpd_recipient_limit or there may be
unnecessary Postfix refusals and Mailman retries, but otherwise, these
things in no way limit the number of total recipients to a message.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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