William Bagwell wrote:
>Tried your 'corrected' link in a diffrent browser, got the authentication 
>page, logged in with user name and password and promptly got the "Private 
>archive file not found" error again. Looked at the URL and it was now 
>missing the first .mbox. Opened a new tab, pasted in the full correct URL 
>and it pulled down a complete archive. 

This is a Mailman bug.

Once upon a time, not all that long ago, the POST URL for the private
archive authentication form was simply
http://example.com/mailman/private, so if someone sent you a link to a
message of the form
http://example.com/mailman/private/list/2009-December/000067.html and
you followd that link and got the login page, when you logged in, you
just got the archive contents page instead of the post you wanted.

I fixed that, but the fix didn't take into account the ".mbox" URLs,
hence the bug that you see, and you have to log in first, then go to
the correct URL.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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