Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

>i set in like below
>from socket import *
>    fqdn = getfqdn()
>    fqdn = 'mm_cfg_has_unknown_host_domains'
>MTA = 'Postfix'
>and ran
># /usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url
># /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases
>with the same result as before

This should have ensured that all lists had host_name
"" and since this name is in
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS, genaliases should have created aliases
and virtual-mailman for all lists.

>postconf -n output:
>alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
>alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases, hash:/etc/mailman/aliases



You probably should have

recipient_delimiter = +

for Mailman's VERP like senders.

>virtual_alias_maps = proxy:ldap:/etc/postfix/,
>proxy:ldap:/etc/postfix/, proxy:ldap:/etc/postfix/
>, proxy:ldap:/etc/postfix/

If you are using virtual-mailman, you want to add
"hash:/etc/mailman/virtual-mailman" to virtual_alias_maps. However,
because of your dovecot LDA, you may need to do the transport_maps
thing instead. See below.


>after i read
>changed & added a  few options in

Why did you change this? You must have your list's email domain in
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS. According to what you did above, your
list's email domain is '', not ''.

>POSTFIX_MAP_CMD = '/etc/mailman/virtual_to_transport'
>in /etc/mailman
># ls -l /etc/mailman/
>total 140
>-rw-r----- 1 root    mailman    41 Dec  8 18:25
>-rw-rw---- 1 mailman mailman 33942 Jan  3 04:37 aliases
>-rw-rw---- 1 mailman mailman 77824 Jan  3 04:37 aliases.db
>-rw-r----- 1 root    mailman    41 Dec  8 18:26
>lrwxrwxrwx 1 root    mailman    34 Dec  8 18:12 ->
>-rw-r--r-- 1 root    mailman 14114 Jan 23  2008 sitelist.cfg
>-rw-rw---- 1 mailman mailman     0 Jan  3 04:37 transport-mailman
>-rw-rw---- 1 mailman mailman 12288 Jan  3 04:37 transport-mailman.db
>-rw-rw---- 1 root    mailman     0 Jan  3 04:37 virtual-mailman
>-rw-r----- 1 root    mailman 12288 Jan  3 04:32 virtual-mailman.db
>-rwxr-x--- 1 root    mailman   141 Jan  3 04:26 virtual_to_transport

This all looks correct.

>in /etc/mailman/virtual_to_transport
>sed -r -e 's/(^[^#][^ ]+[ ]+).+$/\1local/' $1 \
> > /etc/mailman/transport-mailman
>/usr/sbin/postmap /etc/mailman/transport-mailman
># postconf transport_maps
>transport_maps = proxy:ldap:/etc/postfix/,
>did i missed anything?

The above seems correct for the transport_maps method, but you
shouldn't have changed POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS.

And Umarzuki Mochlis added in a follow-up:

>after a check on /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/
>VAR_PREFIX      = '/var/lib/mailman'
>DATA_DIR        = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, 'data')
>so the /path/to/data must be /var/lib/mailman/data which led me to

Except it clearly isn't because your "ls -l /etc/mailman/" above
clearly shows all the files in that directory. Perhaps there is
something in that overrides VAR_PREFIX and DATA_DIR.

You might find the FAQ at <> of interest.

>1. change
>alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases, hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases
>transport_maps = proxy:ldap:/etc/postfix/,
>2. move virtual_to_transport to /var/lib/mailman/data
>3. virtual_to_transport
>sed -r -e 's/(^[^#][^ ]+[ ]+).+$/\1local/' $1 \
> > /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman
>/usr/sbin/postmap /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman
>4. ran
># postalias /var/lib/mailman/data/aliases
># postalias /etc/postfix/aliases
># service postfix reload
># /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases
>but virtual-mailman and transport-mailman does not appear in data folder
># ls -l /var/lib/mailman/data/
>total 20
>-rw-r--r-- 1 mailman mailman  1503 Dec 17 11:28 aliases
>-rw-r--r-- 1 mailman mailman 12288 Jan  3 08:40 aliases.db
>lrwxrwxrwx 1 root    mailman    25 Dec  8 18:12 sitelist.cfg ->
>-rwxr-x--- 1 mailman mailman   159 Jan  3 08:26 virtual_to_transport
>any hints or advises?

Yes. Undo the 4 steps above. Fix POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS in and run /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases again.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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