On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:46:49PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> If you install Mailman from source, you can set the expected group with
> the --with-cgi-gid= option to configure. Debian/Ubuntu may or may not
> provide a package specific way to do this for their Mailman package.

"apt-get source mailman" (but do read the apt-get(8) manpage); I think
both recent XSS fixes are now in the packaged version.

> If your "hosts" all have their own Mailman installation or at least
> their own set of cgi-bin wrappers, you should be able to get the
> wrappers to accept whatever group you want, but I don't know
> specifically how this would be done in the Debian/Ubuntu package.

Defining the group and building should work, ISTR.

"See, you always knew where you were with a public-school traitor.
 Just look for the 16 year old pipe-smoking sodomite with a copy 
 of EM Forster under his arm" 
    [ spooks ] s2, ep3
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