The servers are all vps'es with 256 ram.. and the lists are as big as 33,000 subscribers per list, 3 lists per vps.. it's one big mailing list for a TV station and newspaper.. only one message (newsletter) is sent out every day to the subscribers.. but setting:

SMTP_MAX_RCPTS to only 5 in mailman resulted in a huge number of messages generated by mailman that halts the servers, that's why I every hour stop mailman then stop postfix then reboot the servers to free up the memory and continue distributing the mail..

my question is, is this a good solution? or should I split them into very small lists then send the same message every hour after making sure that the servers finished distributing the mail for the previous lists?


-----Original Message----- From: Geoff Shang
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 2:04 PM
To: Khalil Abbas
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] reboot servers

On Tue, 31 May 2011, Khalil Abbas wrote:

I have several vps servers with very limited resources running several large mailman lists, n these servers keep stopping from responding n sometimes mailq shows several errors like: too many open files in the system and not enough resourses ... etc.

How limited are these servers?  How big are these lists?


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