On 8/16/2011 6:21 PM, Chase, Edward wrote:
> The long subject pretty much states my issue.  I have an email
> address that is subscribed to many moderated announcement lists in my
> organization.  If a message is sent to more than one list, I only
> receive the first copy that gets approved.

Are some lists in Non-digest options -> regular_exclude_lists of other
lists? If so, e.g. if list2 is in list1's regular_exclude_lists, you
won't ever receive a copy from list1 since you are a member of list2.

However, it doesn't sound like this is the case because if it were, the
order of message approval wouldn't matter.

It seems much more likely that Mailman is sending a copy from each list
and some MTA or MDA between Mailman and you or your own MUA is
discarding all the subsequent copies after the first because they have
the same Message-ID as the first.

> I've found section 7.2 in the user documentation in the wiki
> (http://wiki.list.org/display/DOC/Mailman+2.1+Members+Manual#Mailman2.1MembersManual-7.2HowcanIavoidgettingduplicatemessages%3F%28duplicatesoption%29)
> but am not sure this is applies to this situation.  It's not like
> these emails are being sent to both me and the list address.  They
> are being sent to list1, list2, list3, and list4.  I happen to be on
> all of them for monitoring purposes.

You are correct that that does not apply in this situation. The only
Mailman thing that might apply is regular_exclude_lists.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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