Max Pyziur <> wrote:

We received the following while sending out a newsletter/notification to
a 6,000+ email list:

<<< 451 4.3.0 try again. ac8si27848234obc.211 - gsmtp
Deferred: 451-4.3.0 Multiple destination domains per transaction is
unsupported.  Please ... while talking to

This reads like a configuration issue on the those businesses and
educational institutions who rely on Google mail servers.

Is there a way for the sender (us) to be whitelisted, or is this matter
handled at the receivers' end?

I reported this a few months ago, as a Google Apps for Edu customer, and Google refuses to fix it. I spent a couple of weeks back and forth with several people, and I got beyond the first line helpdesk. None of them could give me a good explanation, but they confirmed it is not considered a bug, it was done deliberately.

It means that if you send to two domains, both hosted at Google, they will accept only the first domain. To spell it out:

rcpt to:<>
250 2.1.5 OK k17si2328403qct.207 - gsmtp
rcpt to:<>
451-4.3.0 Multiple destination domains per transaction ...

The lucky domain named first gets their messages right away, and the others have to wait until you run the queue.

Joseph Brennan
Manager, Email and Systems Applications
Columbia University Information Technology

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