Happy New Year (almost)!

Archives show me that this topic went around a while back but I did not find a complete answer. It's not really a Mailman bug, but a Mailman choice between correct options.

When the Subject is folded into more than 1 line, Mailman inserts whitespace in the form of a TAB character, at the start of the continuation lines. Outlook, when unfolding, removes the CR LF but leaves whatever whitespace is there, in this case a TAB, so people tell me it looks ugly.

Microsoft, Microsoft...

I noticed that in Mailman/Handlers/CookHeaders.py, we go out of our way to change email.header's continuation_ws from the default of one space to be one tab. Both are correct, since the standard just says whitespace, but if we used one space it would trick Outlook into doing the right thing.

Why the tab? CookHeaders.py gets pretty hairy so I feel like I'm missing something.

Joseph Brennan
Columbia University Information Technology

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