"Stephen J. Turnbull" <step...@xemacs.org> wrote:

No, the point is that a phishing mail with

    From: Chase Bank Customer Service <serv...@chase.com.invalid>

will sail right past DMARC, as currently set up

It will sail past people using modern mail clients, too, by which I include web mail and Outlook, since those people will see some variation on this--

 From: Chase Bank Customer Service

--so that it hardly matters what address is in the From line. This rewrite--

From: "Chase Bank Customer Service serv...@chase.com" <serv...@chase.com.invalid>

--would produce a more informative result, and just about honor RFC 5322 where it says the mailbox of the author of the message should be in the "From:" field.

But this is the Mailman discussion list.

Joseph Brennan
Columbia University Information Technology

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