On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 02:50:34AM +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm about to migrate a Yahoo Groups mailing list to mailman. Yahoo 
> Groups offers four delivery modes:
> - individual emails
> - daily digests
> - no mail
> - special announcements only
> and I have list members set to all four of them. The first three I can 
> easily deal with, but I'm not sure how to handle those set to the last.

From the Mailman side of thing, I imagine the 'easy' way of emulating
this is to have an announce only list, for all members (with bounce
processing etc disabled).

I think most Y! groups subscribers would use "special annoucements
only" for lists too noisy for them, but still want to hear about
important things.

> create a second list, mylist-announce, and subscribe everyone to that as 
> well as mylist. But that makes user management tricky, requires new 
> members to subscribe to both, unsubscribe from both, etc.

The sync_members script (and cron) might be useful hereā€¦

"... they're not anarchists, just thugs who can't be bothered to put in the
 weekly commitment needed to be football hooligans."
    -- Nick Barlow (describing violent May Day protestors)
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