A couple points on top-posting...

I'm a top-poster and not ashamed of it. If I'm following a message thread, I remember the discussion and don't want to have to scroll through a weeks worth of responses just to get to the new content.

Some email clients strip all but the first message below the signature of the new message being created as a reply. That pretty much demolishes the rest of the message thread. In the case of responding to a full message thread, that means only the original post would be included with the reply.

In this response (using Thunderbird), I highlighted the text I wanted to respond to before clicking *Reply List* and Thunderbird only included the highlighted text below this response. That puts the pertinent content right below my reply.

Best Regards,

Mike Starr, Writer
Technical Writer   -    Online Help Developer   -   WordPress Websites
Graphic Designer - Desktop Publisher - Custom Microsoft Word templates
(262) 694-1028   -  m...@writestarr.com   -  http://www.writestarr.com
President - Working Writers of Wisconsin http://www.workingwriters.org/

On 4/2/2015 12:45 PM, J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:
I somewhat concur; I understand the desire for the feature, and I think this is the first time I've seen a reasonable reason for it as well. I think it's a nice feature to have, generally. But I don't think this justifies top-posting because I'd prefer clients to collapse quoted material, attribution, and then show the first line (or few lines) of the message. I still prefer the logical point-counterpoint of an edited response I can read from the top down.
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