
I've been running several Mailman lists for the past ten years or so. Unfortunately, in recent months some list addresses have fallen into the hands of spammers, which is a real headache. Even worse, one particular -owner address is receiving nothing but spam, and I don't assume there's anything I can do about that without disabling that address for legitimate use, as well as for use by Mailman itself.

A few months ago I did some Googling and found a project called Mailman-Milter which claims to reject unwanted list mail i.e., nonmember postings at the SMTP level. I would love to use this, but there's virtually no documentation and I've never been able to get it working. Has anyone else had any better luck, or do you know of any other solutions? I'm using Sendmail, by the way.

I would set all my lists to just discard nonmember traffic, but I want to allow for legitimate users who perhaps don't understand that they need to subscribe to lists before posting, legitimate members sending from wrong accounts, etc. My current compromise solution is to set my lists to hold such messages for moderation, but not send the posters messages telling them such, so as to avoid backscatter caused by trying to send "You're not a member, your message is being held" messages to bogus spammer Email addresses. When I get a held message notice, if it's a spammer I discard it and add the address to the discard list, for what good that does, and if it's legitimate I reject it, perhaps explaining in my own words why the message was rejected, especially if I know the person and know they tend to post from the wrong account, etc.

Thanks for any help!


Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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