How do I find out what uid:gid the programs are running with?
Would I be better downloading a fresh copy of mailman and doing a reinstall over the broken copy? The initial version was installed back in ubuntu 8.04 days when mailman wasn't a ubuntu package. Since then for Ubuntu they changed some of the default groups for things, like mailing lists.

On 5/20/2016 11:47 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 05/20/2016 05:35 AM, Richard Shetron wrote:
How do I turn on tracing to find the source of this error.  The
interface worked until I told check_perms to fix permissions so I'm sure
there is a permission issue.  Also the qrunner won't run, which I also
suspect is a permission error.  My partner who did the install has
retired for medical reasons so I'm trying to learn how to do all sorts
of things in too little time :(  I tried to look in both the mailman
logs and the apache logs for errors and didn't find anything.

Bug in Mailman version 2.1.21rc2

We're sorry, we hit a bug!

There should be a traceback and other information about this error in
Mailman's error log. If it's not there, there is probably a permission
issue in writing the log.

You can at least temporarily ensure that Mailman's logs are writable by
anyone and see if that helps.

Also, you can edit $prefix/scripts/driver and at line 33 set


and the traceback will be included on the "we hit a bug" page.

Also, if check_perms -f broke things, permissions must have been set in
some non-standard way to begin with. See the FAQ article at

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